Men’s favorite dish: pussy. Nowadays the knowledge makes us wonder though: what’s the best method of serving it? Raw, boiled, backed, fried? How can you have more out of your pussy? Well gents, let’s see what’s in the menu.
Ok…so...some men like it raw. Just
plain old classic raw pussy. These men do not think pussy should be something
you should sweat for. After all, pussy is just pussy, right? You just go, pick
a relatively fresh one, serve it and forget about it until you become hungry
again. I mean why put on so much effort for a disposable …thingy…It is highly
recommended to use very fresh meat each time to avoid the danger of sickness due to the multiple requests women start having caused by staying too long around the same man.
Fried pussy….ok….well you are in
town….you pick up a nice, juicy piece of pink delight…you cannot wait to get some
home, unwrap it and eat it nice and quick. The sweet sound of the compliments,
promises and plans make her think of the music her sizzling juices will make
once you get it on. These men measure their manhood on the final result. This
dish usually uses venison and it is best when marinated before cooking. Some
like it a bit spicy, so they quickly put some salt and pepper and cannot wait
to drop it into the hot oil of their hungry desire. Hmmm…sweet, rich and
delicious. That is if you don’t burn it, put too much spice or cook it to
little. They usually serve this more than once, especially because it brings immediate and quick satisfaction. The taste soon becomes boring so
they feel the urge to spice-it a bit or choose another type of venison. In a very
short time all the neediness and the crying makes the taste become bitter.
Must be the rash that men get from too much estrogen!
Backed pussy…hmmmm…so many recipes….
These men like to oil the entire flesh and thoroughly massage all the ingredients before they start cooking it. The thought of
the slooooooowwww heated pussy makes a man think of all the taste-buds orgies
he can be rewarded with! And he knows this will pay off one way or another.
These men get off by the whole process: being refused a few times, slowly
conquering the woman’s mind inch by inch, all the gifts and subtle whispers they invest. It’s all good. This can be a win-win situation if the damn thing does’t
stick to the pan!!! The effort of getting it off may cause the man to throw it
out with the pan and all.
Boiled pussy. This is somewhat
similar to the backed pussy, but a bit more moist and droopy. Usually this
course is chosen by men with a sensitive stomach, little experience, little to no imagination, men
with serious health or self-esteem problems. This kind of dish may lead to
marriage. Cooked this way, the pussy can be conserved for a long time, but in
time it will become impregnated with a strong “vanilla (sex)” aroma.
So how do you like to eat your
pussy, sir?
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