joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Loveing the undead

I am mourning. I finally let go of love, dreams, excitement. All is left is a hole.  Lightness feels heavy. Silence sounds loud. Life is dead. Tears do not exist in my world. Happy or sad ones. All I pray is to feel again. I pray God exists. Failure seems comic instead of tragic since all is futile. I need fibrillation but I guess I need a heart for that. Flashes of my past life appear and go. My whole life comes back to me. I guess I must be dying. I do not feel pain. Just shortness of breath. Surrender is my anesthetic .  Truth is a lye and vice versa. Floating above I become air. I can see people around. Some laugh some yell. I do not understand why. I am  spreading around, being wasted. Invisible. Impossible. Irreversible. Dry.
I loved a shadow. The ghost of the soul that should have been alive. A soul that never grew up.  I loved the light that should have been your being.
Breath…breath…breathing….. Inspire some life into my lungs. And smile….Really smile….There is life after pain.

marți, 28 februarie 2012

"I am not superficial....I am averegely-ficial!!!" (english version)

 Hmmmm…usually I feel just fine with my average-ficiality …but today I wonder…Who could I have been if I was something else than a simple commoner? Guess superficiality is a normal state of things… means normality, and not because it is most common but because it keeps our sanity, a certain balance. Talking every day about philosophy and get into the depths of things is vulgar. Superficiality is a day-to-day thing from which we need from time to time to break away to an exotic all inclusive location named "profoundness".

“I wouldn't say I'm superficial, just averagely ficial.”

Daca e ceva ce urasc foarte tare e sa fiu lasata cu cuvintele-n gura! E ca si cum ai manca ceva cu pofta si dupa ce ai mestecat n-ai voie nici sa inghiti nici sa scuipi! E oribil! Din acest motiv gasesc ca e tot mai greu sa fii placut pentru cine esti cu adevarat. Nimeni nu vrea de fapt sa te cunoasca. Lumea vrea sa fii o prezenta placuta, sa fii bland cu orgoliul lor. As fi curioasa cati barbati ar fi atrasi de imaginea mea despletita, demachiata in pat dupa o masa copioasa citind si ascultand Metallica? Oare cui i-ar placea o femeie cu ticul nervos de a-si devora proprii obraji, razand zgomotos la propriile glume?

Sunt un cizmar fara cizme si o ipocrita ce arunca cu sfatul in dreapta si-n stanga ce are o profunda confuzie legata de propriile dorinte. Oamenii insa persista in a cauta sfaturi la mine. Poate e doar o chestiune de marketing, nu?

Superficialitatea in opinia mea e o stare naturala a lucrurilor, inseamna normalitate. Si asta nu pentru ca e cea mai raspandita ci din cauza ca iti pastreaza sanatatea mentala, un anume echilibru. A avea discutii filozofice zi de zi si a intra in profunzimea lucrurilor mai tot timpul, a frecventa mereu locatii culturale e o vulgarizare a sublimului. Superficialitatea mi se pare pur si simplu viata cotidiana din care mai vrei din cand in cand sa evadezi zburand spre o locatie exotica all-inclusive ori intr-o aventura noua numita profunzime.